The Band Booster Parent Meetings are listed on the calendar. We will meet in the band room at 7:15pm. We will be dismissed by 8pm at the latest. Your input will help our band program to improve. Each one of us brings something different to the table. Come share your ideas. Please make child care arrangements for children under the age of 8 years. Thank You for understanding.
Let your boss pay your student's band dues...HOW? A volunteer matching program is when a company agrees to pay a certain amount of money to a non-profit organization when an employee has volunteered with that organization. The most common exchange is 50 volunteer hours and a $500 donation to the organization. This would completely cover your student's dues for the year. Ask your HR Department today!
What is a Band Booster? Webster's definition...boost, noun ~ A lift or help verb ~ To raise by pushing from below ~ To increase ~ To promote vigorously A single director may be expected to run several different bands, and may need help with the many things that are required to run a successful band program. A Booster helps the students in the school band program by providing volunteers and raising money for the betterment of the band program. Boosters do not assist in classroom procedures or discipline. Any parent/grandparent who is in good standing with the band may be a band booster. There is no fee for being a booster other than your valuable time. However, if you are wanting to chaperone or participate in any activity that involves the students you must be an approved volunteer. There is a small fee for this approval process. Approved volunteer information is located at the bottom of this page. This is a Polk County School Board requirement and there are no exceptions. Along with participating in fundraising efforts, parents may be asked to offer their time and expertise in the following areas: Chaperoning trips and events - Running or helping with fundraising projects - Setting up and maintaining a band website - Producing a band newsletter - Moving equipment for performances - Keeping track of uniforms - Recording performances and practices - And Much More